Sunday 14 October 2012

High, short - or got a little head? Here is what reveals your body on your health

We all know, it is important to keep an eye on your waist because of the risk of diabetes and heart disease, but it is not the only measurement that what counts.

From your height to your foot size the body mass may indicate a wealth of information about the risk of conditions, cancer, dementia and heart disease.

Researchers at Sungkyunkwan University School of medicine in Korea found, the bigger you are, the higher your risk of cancer. Here, ROGER DOBSON investigates what took the latest research on your vital statistics.

Breast cancer

Women over 5 ft 9in may be more likely to develop breast cancer and die from it.

Two American studies found that tall women have an increased risk. A possible explanation is that hormones that raise or lower the women can cause also an increase in the amount of milk duct tissue in the breast.

Most breast tumors arising from this website and the more channels, the greater the susceptibility to breast cancer.

Prostate cancer

Men over 6 ft have an increased risk for prostate cancer.

In the study at Brigham and women's Hospital, Boston, in the United States, 22,000 men were monitored for more than 12 years. Men over 6 ft high had 59 percent increased risk compared to men under 5 ft 7 in. A study at the Bristol University showed that all four inches extra height with an increased 6 percent risk associated.

One theory is that growth factors are involved. Larger males tend to higher insulin-like growth factor I or IGF-1 and higher levels were linked an increased risk for prostate cancer.

Pancreatic cancer

About 6 ft 1in, men and women, about 5 ft 6in have an 81 percent increased risk.

Every additional inch in height was found to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by between 6 and 10 percent, said researchers at the US Cancer Institute national. According to a report of the Washington University it could be related to the fact that the chance of abnormal cell growth could increase the same hormones and other factors that people grow.

Breast cancer

Women with larger feet (the average shoe size UK is a five), torso and shoulder width in childhood had a greater risk of breast cancer, according to a study of the University of Bristol. An increased foot size could be, linked to greater caloric intake during childhood linked with an increased risk for breast cancer.

Heart attack

Short men (below 5 ft 7in) are much more about 6 ft 1in suffer heart attack than men according to a Harvard University report. The larger men were 35 percent of less prone to a heart attack. Also the risk of 2 to 3 percent reduced every inch of additional height.

Another American study found that short men a 60 percent higher risk of a heart attack than men 6 ft 1in or greater had. One theory is that shorter could have smaller arteries people according to, which may trigger more susceptible for the blocking effect of fatty deposits, the heart attacks.

Stomach cancer

Shorter people are more likely to develop as the cancer to infection with Helicobacter pylori associated bacteria associated with ulcers is to this disease might. It is believed that the bacteria in childhood could lead to a slowdown of in growth, say researchers at Bristol University.

High blood pressure

Length are shorter height and leg associated with higher blood pressure in men and women. A British study 3,000 people followed since birth; The larger the leg length, the lower the risk of high blood pressure.

Poor diet in childhood may blame, because smaller arteries may be more prone to high blood pressure. "This backs up the theory that people with limited growth in the first years of life may be more susceptible to the effects of aging on the arteries ', say researchers at University College London.


Linked to smaller head size and shorter legs and arms may be at increased risk.

In a study of older women, one fifth of the people with a large head size (head circumference 57-58 cm) had signs of dementia, compared to 70 percent of those with the smallest minds (51-52 cm). Meanwhile, a German study of men and women was found, that head circumference below average (the average head size for a man is 55 cm 58 cm and a woman) dementia significantly associated.

A theory is that larger heads a greater number of neurons in the brain, which they are less susceptible to degeneration - the cerebral reserve capacity hypothesis could have.

Connect shorter leg and arm length and increased risk of dementia is also by researchers from Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea have been found. One theory is that a visible sign of malnutrition in the first years of life may be shorter limbs, which influenced the evolution of the brain.


People with more legs are less likely that type 2 diabetes to develop increased 20 percent while those with short legs have the risk of the disease. Research at Bristol University, based on 4,200 men and women showed that each 4.3 cm leg length in a was 19 percent reduced risk for diabetes.

Leg length is an indicator of early childhood environmental circumstances, in particular the infant feeding. Poor diet has been linked to diabetes.

Autism and ADHD, mental illness/depression

A number of diseases has been linked to the length of the finger and in particular the relationship between the index and ring fingers. The ratio is probably a mark of hormonally in the womb when the fetus developed events.

It is believed that a relatively long ring finger is a sign, that the fetus to higher levels of the male hormone testosterone, was suspended while a relatively long index finger is a marker of the female hormone estrogen.

Autism and ADHD include conditions relating to a long ring finger compared to the index. A longer index are associated with depression.

Most men who develop tend to autism and ADHD, have a longer ring finger compared to their index finger.

Exposure to certain hormones may increase or reduce the risk of certain conditions and characteristics.

'It has been suggested that autism as a result of exposure to high concentrations of prenatal testosterone, arise', say researchers at the University of Liverpool.


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